The Doctor Who Companion

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Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #552

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine focuses on the First Doctor era, as 32 stories battle it out to win the coveted top-spot, to be named the Best First Doctor Adventure!

Which will be your choice? The Aztecs? The War Machines? The Dalek Invasion of Earth? Twitter users voted, and the results are revealed inside…

DWM #552 also includes:

  • Series 11 writers Pete McTighe, Vinay Patel, and Joy Wilkinson interview each other.
  • Mark Gatiss answers questions from the TARDIS tin.
  • Time and Space Visualiser presents a rare William Hartnell interview, conducted during rehearsals for The Sensorites in 1964.
  • 50 brilliant things about Doctor Who – not including Doctor Who!
  • A tribute to writer, Pip Baker.
  • A previously unpublished interview with Pip and Jane Baker.
  • The Fact of Fiction explores Parts Nine to Twelve of 1986’s The Trial of a Time Lord.
  • More of DWM’s recommended lockdown viewing, with a guide to stories available on DVD and streaming services.
  • A look at Race Against Time, a game book in the 1986 Make Your Own Adventure with Doctor Who series.
  • A review of The Maze of Doom, the latest Doctor Who book by David Solomons.
  • The final part of The Piggybackers, a new comic-strip adventure featuring the Thirteenth Doctor and her friends.

PLUS: Big Finish previews and reviews, news, prize-winning competitions, The Blogs of Doom, and much more!

Doctor Who Magazine #552 is on sale now.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Out Now: Doctor Who Magazine #552

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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