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Doctor Who TV Movie to be Released on Blu-ray

The 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie will be released on Blu-ray this September, according to a pre-order listing via Amazon.
While details are thin on the ground at the moment, the release will be a two disc set although whether that means we’ll be getting the same extras on the DVD release or any newly produced bonus material remains to be seen.
The TV Movie, which saw Paul McGann make his debut as the Eighth Doctor, celebrated its 20th anniversary this May.
It’s rightly praised for his warm, energetic performance and the stunning pre-Raphaelite TARDIS design but falls short when it comes to melding its British idiosyncrasies and the ongoing history of the show to an easily accessible American style serial – an impossible task for any show, let alone one with such baggage.
While some elements feel quintessentially Doctor Who, others jar awkwardly leaving the whole endeavour in a halfway house between appealing to fans and then totally alienating them often within the same scene.
If nothing else, it served as a handy guide for Russell T. Davies when it came time for him to attempt his own Doctor Who resurrection – I wonder how that went?
Doctor Who – The Movie will be released on Blu-ray September 19th, 2016.

Andrew Reynolds

Doctor Who TV Movie to be Released on Blu-ray

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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