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You Can Now Buy the Wester Drumlins House from Doctor Who: Blink

The Grade II listed Victorian manor used in Blink and Knock Knock is up for sale, which means you can buy the iconic Wester Drumlins, although obviously it doesn’t come cheap. We’re unsure whether the quartet of interlocked Weeping Angels can still be found in its basement; wisely, the estate agents have neglected to take a photo of them if so because the image of an Angel becomes itself an Angel…

In reality, the fictional Wester Drumlins is The Fields Manor on Fields Park Road, Newport, in South Wales. It’s got 20 rooms, a reception hall, original stone staircase, first-floor landing with stained-glass windows, drawing room and morning room, large cellar and connecting brick-vaulted room, studio room, double garage, and a tower with high vaulted ceilings and far-reaching views, plus beautiful gardens. It is, simply put, stunning.

The Fields Manor was built around 1850, but went into disrepair; fortunately, it’s been restored and updated, meaning a mix of old and new, an important part of history maintained for future generations to enjoy.

Estate agency, Mr and Mrs Clarke, describe:

“Open the imposing Jacobean front door and you are greeted by this sense of history, that gets you excited to see more. Walking through the octagonal tower entrance with its original quarry tiled flooring, the elegant glass doors lead you to the expansive reception hall. Here the working marble fireplace and walkover glass panel looking down into the cellar is just the start of the many impressive features this house has to offer.”

Naturally, this will attract a very limited clientele, but for Doctor Who fans, it’s a chance to get a glimpse inside an amazing property used in Blink, Knock Knock, and Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia.

Prices are provided on application. You can find out more information about The Fields Manor, and take a photographic tour inside, by visiting Mr and Mrs Clarke.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

You Can Now Buy the Wester Drumlins House from Doctor Who: Blink

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min