Spinning the invasion story on its head, it’s humanity that’s bothering the Ice Warriors this time around as The Doctor, Bill and Nardole find themselves in an impossible conflict between Ice Warriors and Victorian soldiers.
The Empress of Mars sees the Doctor facing a unique dilemma – this time the humans, not the Ice Warriors are the invaders. When Earth is invading Mars, whose side is he on? Well, probably the humans but that doesn’t mean he’s not going to get all shouty about the boys from Blighty very Victorian attitudes towards foreign threats.
It’s been four years since the Eleventh Doctor met the Ice Warriors in Cold War, and they’re back with a never-before seen leader – the titular Empress of Mars (or Iraxxa to her friends) who has a fierce line in roaring commands and some very fetching dreadlocks too.
Then there’s this preview where the Doctor must face down one of her awesome foot soldiers and (spoiler alert!) Bill makes an interesting discovery…
And if that’s not enough to make you get your ass to Mars, how about a gallery of images featuring the Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Bill (Pearl Mackie), Nardole (Matt Lucas), Godsacre (Anthony Calf), Catchlove (Ferdinand Kingsley), Friday (Richard Ashton), Vincey (Bayo Gbadamosi), Iraxxa (Adele Lynch), Jackdaw (Ian Beattie), and Sergeant Major Peach (Glenn Speers).
The Empress of Mars, Written by Mark Gatiss and directed by Wayne Che Yip, will air Saturday on BBC One at 19:15.