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Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie Headline the New York Comic Con!

New York, New York; it’s hell of a town! And if you’re lucky enough to be near the Big Apple this week, you could visit the New York Comic Con – which features two very special Doctor Who guests: Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie!
The pair, of course, appeared together in Doctor Who Series 10 as the Twelfth Doctor and Bill Potts respectively, and this will be a chance to see them before their last regular on-screen appearances in Twice Upon A Christmas. Both will be in the NYCC Autographing Area on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th October 2017; the convention carries on over next weekend too, concluding on Sunday 8th October.
Though their schedules are yet to be confirmed, it’s not expected that either will take part in a panel… but nonetheless, it wouldn’t surprise us if they did!
Further guests, spread throughout the four-day event, include various Doctor Who folk (however, not all will be taking part in autographing and photo sessions) like: Billie Piper (Rose Tyler; The Moment); Felicity Jones (The Unicorn and the Wasp); Liam Cunningham (Cold War); Peter Serafinowicz (Before the Flood); Cavan Scott (The Ninth Doctor comic); Christopher Jones (The Third Doctor comic); Rob Williams (The Eleventh Doctor comic); and Todd Nauck (Doctor Who cover artist). Sadly, Karen Gillan (Amy Pond) has had to cancel.
Tenth Doctor comic writer, Nick Abadzis has also announced that this will be his last “tabled” event, and he’ll have a selection of comics, graphic novels, and limited edition prints ready to sign; he’s sharing the space with Jerel Dye, artist on Abadzis’ wonderful Pigs Might Fly story.
Other stars fans might be interested to meet include: Gerry Conway (The Amazing Spider-Man); Adrianne Palicki (Agents of SHIELD); Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead); Bruce Campbell (Spider-Man); Frank Miller (Daredevil); Gillian Anderson (The X-Files); Brian Stelfreeze (Black Panther); William Shatner (Star Trek); Isa Hackett (The Man in the High Castle); Adi Granov (Iron Man); Jason Isaacs (Star Trek: Discovery); Louise Simonson (Power Pack); John Cho (Selfie); Alex Maleev (Moon Knight); John Krasinski (The US Office); Sara Pichelli (Spider-Man); Mark Hamill (Star Wars); Michael Rooker (Guardians of the Galaxy); and Rosario Dawson (Luke Cage).
The New York Comic Con takes place at the Javits Centre in Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, from 5th to 8th October 2017.
Are you attending? Who are you hoping to see? And whose autographs will you be scrambling for?

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie Headline the New York Comic Con!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min