Yesterday, we challenged you to a Doctor Who quiz all about — what else?! — spoons. But how did you do? Here are all the answers.
The are 20 points available, but bonuses for nerds who add extra information in the comments…
1. The Fourth Doctor claimed he had a few things which gave him an advantage, and named two: one was a teaspoon; what was the other?
An open mind.
2. Which story does the quote come from?
The Creature from the Pit.
3. In which story did the Doctor encounter a threat from the Spoonheads?
The Bells of St John.
4. In which of these stories does the Doctor not play the spoons? Time and the Rani, The Happiness Patrol, or The Greatest Show in the Galaxy?
The Happiness Patrol.
5. In Robot of Sherwood, the Doctor famously used his spoon for sword-fighting, but before that, what was he eating with it?
Ice cream.
6. The Doctor and companions are famous for causing a stir, but it’s usually metaphorical. In which stories did we see these literal uses of spoons?

The Enemy of the World, Invasion of the Dinosaurs, The Time Warrior, The Unicorn and the Wasp, The Lodger, and The Reign of Terror.
7. The Matrix’s famous tag line was ‘There is no spoon.’ Which Doctor Who story invented the Matrix 23 years before the film?
The Deadly Assassin.
8. And which Twelfth Doctor story has characters ‘waking up’ to their matrix-esque reality?
9. In which pair of consecutive episodes does the Doctor use a spoon to eat soup?
Heaven Sent/Hell Bent.
10. What was the name of early Who Script Editor, and writer of The Romans?
Dennis Spooner.
11. The Thirteenth Doctor made her new sonic screwdriver with spoons, but what were the spoons made from?
Sheffield Steel.
12. In Dalek, what did Henry Van Statten tell Adam to do with Rose?
‘Canoodle or spoon or whatever you Brits do.’
13. In The Devil’s Chord, Maestro appeared reflected in a spoon. Name any 2 other things they were reflected in during that scene.
Doorplate, mirror, sugar bowl, John Lennon’s anachronistic glasses.
14. When the Doctor fed the Time Window screen with a spoon given to him by a kind woman, what was the first memory it generated?
Sutekh in the time tunnel from Pyramids of Mars – it was the Doctor holding it; when he handed it to Ruby, it showed something else.
How many did you get right? Want more quizzes on the DWC? Let us know in the comments section below!