Vote in our poll and enthuse about this much-loved era of Doctor Who!
This celebratory story is set around Doctor Who Season 12…
Looking back at stories like The Pirate Planet, Destiny of the Daleks, City of Death, and The Horns of Nimon…
And a very Happy New Year to all our readers!
In the age of various streaming services as well as commercial media such as Blu-rays, not having access to a
It runs until 15th December, so be quick!
It’s a Cyber-Monday sale that even the Cybermen would approve of.
With thanks to Allen Machielson, who let me look at his immense Doctor Who collection!
The disappearance of Terror of the Zygons and The Seeds of Doom show the importance of physical media.
He also reflects on why Blink works — by creating tension because the Doctor isn’t there!