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Download Big Finish’s Blake’s 7: The Armageddon Storm Part 1 for Free

If you’re still self-isolating, sheltering, or working from home, we’re sure you’d love a free audio adventure to enjoy. And Big Finish has you covered!

Big Finish’s series of free audio downloads reaches week 11 with an award-winning episode of Blake’s 7. The Armageddon Storm Part One is written by Mark Wright and Cavan Scott. The story won Best Audio award at the Scribe Awards in 2014. And you can download it for free as part of the company’s #lockdownloads project!

Since the beginning of Covid-19-imposed lockdown , Big Finish has been releasing weekly freebies of audio dramas for a limited time. Every Monday, a new story (or episode from a box set collection) can be downloaded exclusively from Big Finish’s Weekly Deals page.

Each story will be available for one week only, and comes accompanied by a special discount offer on related titles.  

Starring Paul Darrow, Michael Keating, Jan Chappell, and Tom Chadbon, Blake’s 7: The Armageddon Storm is an epic adventure about the race to prevent the deployment of a Federation super-weapon.Here’s the blurb:

Del Grant, mercenary. Kerr Avon, freedom fighter. 

Former friends. Former enemies. Linked forever thanks to Grant’s sister, the woman Avon loved. The woman Avon killed. 

Now their paths cross again. Grant has learnt of the existence of the Armageddon Storm, a terrifying new Federation superweapon. 

Avon finds himself in a race against time, with his crew’s lives hanging in the balanace. But what will Grant do when he finds out about the blood on Avon’s hands? 

Listeners can download part one of this story FREE from now until 23:59 (BST) on 21st June 2020.   

For a limited time, Big Finish listeners can also download the entire box set of Blake’s 7: The Armageddon Storm for 50% off, at the Weekly Deals page.  

Additionally, the bundle price of the complete Blake’s 7: The Liberator Chronicles volumes 1-6 is now available at its lowest ever download price of just £33 when bought together. All these download discounts will expire at 23:59 (BST) on 21st June 2020.  

Big Finish’s schedule of free lockdownload stories has been extended and new free adventures will continue to be released over the next few weeks.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Download Big Finish’s Blake’s 7: The Armageddon Storm Part 1 for Free

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min
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