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Big Finish’s Doctor Who Unbound Range Relaunches… and Steps Straight into the Time War!

Audio company, Big Finish, is relaunching its Unbound range, with the first of two box sets exploring an alternative timeline set in the immediate aftermath of Genesis of the Daleks.

What if the Fourth Doctor had destroyed the Daleks once and for all back on Skaro, just as they were getting started? Find out in a new series of full-cast audio dramas, beginning with Doctor of War – Genesis, due for release in April 2022 by Big Finish Productions.

Colin Baker stars as an unexpected incarnation of the War Doctor – the Warrior. As he encounters familiar faces from his past, and future – Romana (Rebecca Night), the Master (Geoffrey Beevers), and Peri (Nicola Bryant) – this newly battle-ready Time Lord faces new challenges never seen before.

Here’s the synopsis:

Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. And now all of history is at war.

One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he on? Is he with the angels? Or the demons? And does anyone even know which is which?

He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more. He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War.

The three stories in this set are:

Dust Devil by John Dorney

The TARDIS crew are on the run, pursued by an unstoppable force. But who is hunting them? And why? Will they find the answers on Aridius? Or just more questions?

Aftershocks by Lou Morgan

The ripples are spreading out. The Warrior is on trial. Or is he? No-one’s willing to tell him his crime so how can he know if he’s guilty? And who is trying him anyway?

The Difference Office by James Kettle

The Warrior is President of the Time Lords… and suffering from visions. Is he the right man to combat an invasion? Because there’s someone out there in the wilderness of Gallifrey. Someone with the Warrior’s face. And he’s heading for the Capitol.

Producer David Richardson said:

Doctor Who Unbound remains a very popular range in our back catalogue. It’s been almost 15 years since the last release in the series – in fact, Masters of War was just being finished off when I joined Big Finish.

“So here we are in 2022, and Doctor Who Unbound not only gets its own relaunch but as a miniseries too – stepping through the multiverse to a different timeline where the Time War started earlier in the Doctor’s life, and a different incarnation of the War Doctor was triggered. Here the Doctor’s life changes forever during Genesis of the Daleks – and his future takes a very different track.”

Doctor of War – Genesis is now available to pre-order on CD (£19.99) or a digital download (£16.99) exclusively from Big Finish. The second volume in this series, Doctor of War – Destiny, is set to be released in September 2022. You can save money by pre-ordering both box sets together in a bundle for £38 (on CD) or £33 (as digital downloads).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Big Finish’s Doctor Who Unbound Range Relaunches… and Steps Straight into the Time War!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min