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Get 56 Doctor Who Graphic Novels on Humble Bundle — and Support Children in Need!

You can spend as little as 81p and enjoy a plethora of Doctor Who graphic novel collections — and support Children in Need at the same time!

That’s because Humble Bundle has paired with Titan Comics in their latest bonanza offer, which includes an astonishing 56 comic collections featuring a range of acclaimed stories from creative talent like Nick Abadzis, Ben Aaaronovitch, Si Spurrier, Cavan Scott, Paul Cornell, Jody Houser, Tony Lee, Giorgia Sposito, Rachael Stott, Mark Buckingham, Brian Williamson, Christopher Jones, Emma Vieceli, Elena Casagrande, and more!

Humble Bundle is giving away PDF, ePUB, and CBZ versions of these books to raise money for Children in Need. The company’s business idea is a simple but effective one: pay what you want, from 81p to £33.61 (or more if you’re feeling generous!), to unlock these comics. They come in tiers, so if you want all 56, you’ll need to hand over £33.61 — although that’s a bargain considering that the total cost for the comics is as much as $857…

Or if you’re trying to save money but still want to support a good cause, you can get 4 specific graphic novels for less than £1.

The titles available through this offer are: 

  1. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 1: Revolutions of Terror
  2. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 2: The Weeping Angels of Mons
  3. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 3: The Fountains of Forever
  4. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 4: The Endless Song
  5. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 5: Arena of Fear
  6. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 6: Sins of the Father
  7. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Volume 7: War of Gods
  8. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year 3: Facing Fate Volume 1: Breakfast at Tyrannies
  9. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year 3: Facing Fate Volume 2: Vortex Butterflies
  10. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Year 3: Facing Fate Volume 3: The Good Companion
  11. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 1: After Life
  12. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 2: Serve You
  13. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 3: Conversion
  14. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 4: The Then And The Now
  15. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 5: The One
  16. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Volume 6: The Malignant Truth
  17. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year 3: The Sapling Volume 1: Growth
  18. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year 3: The Sapling Volume 2: Roots
  19. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year 3: The Sapling Volume 3: Branches
  20. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 1: Terrorformer
  21. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 2: Fractures
  22. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 3: Hyperion
  23. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 4: The School of Death
  24. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 5: The Twist
  25. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Volume 6: Sonic Boom
  26. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 3: Time Trials Volume 1: The Terror Beneath
  27. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 3: The Time Trials Volume 2: The Wolves of Winter
  28. Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor Year 3: Time Trials Volume 3: A confusion of Angels
  29. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 1: Weapons of Past Destruction
  30. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 2: Doctormania
  31. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 3: Official Secrets
  32. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Volume 4: Sin Eaters
  33. Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor
  34. Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor: Operation Volcano
  35. Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor: Gaze of the Medusa
  36. Doctor Who: The Third Doctor: Heralds of Destruction
  37. Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Volume 1: A New Beginning
  38. Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Volume 2: Hidden Human History
  39. Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Volume 3: Old Friends
  40. Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor Year 2 Volume 1: A Tale of Two Time Lords
  41. Doctor Who: Time Out Of Mind
  42. Doctor Who: The Road To The Thirteenth Doctor
  43. Doctor Who: The Many Lives of Doctor Who
  44. Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Volume 1
  45. Doctor Who: The Lost Dimension Volume 2
  46. Doctor Who: Four Doctors
  47. Doctor Who: Ghost Stories
  48. Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious
  49. Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time
  50. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Volume 1
  51. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archives Volume 2
  52. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Archvies Volume 3
  53. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Volume 1
  54. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Volume 2
  55. Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Archives Volume 3
  56. Doctor Who: Supremacy of the Cybermen

Once bought, you can then view these collections on any device.

This Humble Bundle runs until 28th July 2022 (ends 7pm BST / 11am PST). 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Get 56 Doctor Who Graphic Novels on Humble Bundle — and Support Children in Need!

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min