The Time Monster finds Jon Pertwee in his third year as the Doctor. Comfortable in the role, he is accompanied by the perky
Next month, the BBC releases a “Special Edition” of a DVD you already own. You’re a Doctor Who fan, so it won’t
Long before Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss made Sherlock, there was another significant connection between Doctor Who and British literature’s
Doctor Who has a history with the occult. Look at all those clans, summoning strange forces and worshipping something far
Frontier in Space: a space opera that travels from Earth to the moon; to Draconia; to the Ogron homeworld; and
With the Third Doctor, Jo Grant, the Brigadier, Benton, Yates and the other UNIT chaps, troops galore, a little bit
As you may know, only three Doctor Who novels were published in the ’60s – four, if you count World
It’s a much-loved classic that introduces a whole new era of Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space. Jon Pertwee makes his debut as