And it’s just as 21st Century Doctor Who turns 20!
There are covers for the Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Doctors!
Here’s a completely free, downloadable PDF to celebrate almost a decade of the DWC!
“Never, never, never, never would you have thought we’d be here 20 years later.”
Let’s rewind to Doctor Who Series 1…
The Ninth Doctor will travel with Rose Tyler again, 20 years after their TV debut!
Kicking off a new series, looking at scenes in Doctor Who that aren’t given the love they deserve!
We want to hear your book suggestions!
How many Doctors have we actually seen, in the Classic show, NuWho, and the Disney era?
The Master wears a frosty rime this festive season…