Daleks Destroy: The Secret Invasion and Other Stories features tales from Terry Nation’s Dalek Annuals.
12 stories are due to be released across four box sets, starting in May 2021.
The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 13 will open with Storm of the Sea Devils.
“It’s all new, and yet strangely very similar”, explains Nick Briggs.
These 8 Doctor Who stories are split across two releases, due in late 2020.
A new programme of free downloads will be announced in the coming weeks…
You’ll recognise Armitage from Robin Hood, Spooks, and The Hobbit trilogy.
Out of Time is a trilogy of audios which will pair two different incarnations of the Time Lord.
The Human Frontier is written and directed by Nick Briggs.
A big relaunch of Big Finish’s Doctor Who ranges is coming in 2022…