Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang is available in The Essential Terrance Dicks: Volume Two.
There’s an invasion going on in Liverpool…
Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars is available as part of The Essential Terrance Dicks: Volume Two.
Is comparing Doctor Who to Star Wars really fair? (Surely Star Wars is immediately outclassed?)
“‘Tis nature’s law to change”, as John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, wisely said…
“Original ideas are great, but they don’t have to be *your* original ideas!”
We’ve seen a lot of the Sontarans, but why have we only seen a Rutan on-screen once?!
I, like most of Doctor Who fandom, consider the Philip Hinchcliffe/Robert Holmes era (Seasons 12 to 14) to be the
Can The Talons of Weng-Chiang’s brilliance emerge from beneath that giant rat?
Monsters have been seen on location in Cardiff, alongside a guest star. [MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD.]