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Doctor Who Legacy Easter Event and Sale

The award-winning free to play mobile game, Doctor Who Legacy has launched a special Easter weekend event and sale.
Using the new Easter Egg gem skin players can hunt down Easter eggs hidden around the levels of Legacy and collect a set of Adipose allies.
All levels in the game feature 150% experience; levels in the fan area are set to 200%.
The Easter Sale is also live, offering 30% more crystals as well as a New Series 9 Pack with characters and costumes from the latest run of episodes, and a sale on other packs including Series 8 and the complete Doctor set.
The Trickster Event, which will run for approximately 6 weeks, is also now live. The Trickster and his Brigade will use the chaos created by the Master to grow their influence over the world of Doctor Who Legacy.
Each week during the Trickster Event, a new member of the Trickster Event team will be rewarded for free, as a guaranteed drop. The team is comprised of: The Tenth Doctor (in his 3D glasses), Sarah Jane (who is set to drop Sunday night), Peri, Saibra, a Zygon, and the TARDIS.
Doctor Who Legacy is published and co-produced by Tiny Rebel Games. You can download the game via the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon app store for Android.

Andrew Reynolds

Doctor Who Legacy Easter Event and Sale

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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