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The Fifth and Seventh Doctors Join Forces in Big Finish's Cold Fusion!

This December, two Doctors meet! In an audio adaptation of Lance Parkin’s Virgin Missing Adventure, Cold Fusion sees the Fifth and Seventh Doctors crossing time streams, courtesy of Big Finish.
The tale features a newly-regenerated Fifth Doctor arriving on an occupied ice planet – where the Seventh Doctor is investigating dangerous energy experiments conducted by the Earth Empire. But events spin out of control when a refugee from the distant past arrives – Patience, the Doctor’s Wife, played by Christine Kavanagh!
It’ll be 20 years since the original book was published, and John Dorney, Script Editor, is chuffed that Cold Fusion is the next tale in their Novel Adaptations range:

“People have been asking for an adaptation of Cold Fusion for years, not least me, as it’s the only Missing Adventure I don’t own! So it was a huge privilege being asked to script-edit books legend Lance Parkin on his own adaptation, and to discover this glorious reverse multi-Doctor classic myself. Two Doctors, five companions – what a blast!”

Ah yes, those five companions. Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy will be joined by Sarah Sutton, Janet Fielding, and Matthew Waterhouse, reprising their TV roles of Nyssa, Tegan, and Adric respectively.
Cold Fusion Big Finish
Yasmin Bannerman (who played Jabe in The End of the World) and Travis Oliver (Gridlock) return as Roz Forrester and Chris Cwej, companions they first played for the audio adaptation of Damaged Goods.
Director and Producer, Jamie Anderson says:

“With a named cast of over thirty characters, Cold Fusion was a real challenge to record. Luckily, we had a talented and versatile guest cast starring alongside the core cast. We had a fantastic three days at the Moat Studios bringing this class novel to life, and I’m sure that fans will love the chemistry between the Doctors, and their companions.”

That cast includes Jeremy Hitchen, Sharon Maughan, and Peter Caulfield, all of whom play multiple roles.
Bannerman and Oliver will also appear in Big Finish’s adaptation of Original Sin, in which the Doctor first meets Roz and Chris. That’s also released this December.
The six-part Cold Fusion is available to pre-order now, but is released this December – so it’ll give fans something to listen to over the festive period! It’s £16.99 on CD or £14.99 as a download; and remember, all CDs come with a complimentary downloadable copy.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

The Fifth and Seventh Doctors Join Forces in Big Finish's Cold Fusion!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min