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This Weekend: An Audience With Philip Hinchcliffe!

Join Room 5064 Productions today – that’s Sunday 11th June 2017 – for a whirlwind tour of the legendary Philip Hinchcliffe’s time as Doctor Who producer, at Manchester’s FAB Cafe!
The very latest in our in-depth audiences, we’ll be covering Philip’s time on the show between 1974 and 1977, a heady period that cemented Tom Baker, Lis Sladen, and Louise Jameson in our hearts as the Doctor, Sarah Jane Smith, and Leela, as well as sending us scurrying behind our sofas to hide from Davros, the Zygons, Krynoids, and Mor(e)bius!
Hosted by our very own Matt Charlton, expect the usual mix of clips, in-depth discussion, special surprises, an auction, a limited print by the great Will Brooks (who works on Titan Comics’ covers) available only on the day, and more – especially with this being a curtain raiser for Philip’s new play VIRTUOSO, produced with Room 5064 and staged in Manchester from the 16th- 21st June at the Three Minute Theatre (learn more about this remarkable play over at Room 5064).

Doors open at 1:30pm. Well behaved children welcome if accompanied by an adult. Entry price includes one free autograph, while all other subsequent autographs £5, signed at Philip’s discretion.
Hope to see you later today. This promises to be a very special event.
(£8 advance; £10 on the door.)
Book your tickets now!

Gareth Kavanagh

This Weekend: An Audience With Philip Hinchcliffe!

by Gareth Kavanagh time to read: 1 min
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