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Tommy's Top Ten: Support Tommy Donbavand, and Get an eBook!

Help support Doctor Who novellist, Tommy Donbavand and his family as he gets treatment for cancer for a second time, and you can get an eBook of quality Who writing totalling almost 150,000 words!
Screenwriter and author, Paul Ebbs (Casualty, The Bill) has put together a collection of his own Doctor Who related #SLEDGEHAMMER reviews, short stories, Doctor Who audio scripts, and novel proposals to BBC Books. He then asked Doctor Who artists Adrian Salmon, and Martin Geraghty – plus playwright (and DWC scribe), Elton Townend Jones – to provide accompanying original artwork and photographs.
Tommy’s Top Ten is the result: weighing in at nearly 600 pages, it’s an eBook described as”free Doctor Who stuff and nonsense”. This includes a story about the death of the Doctor’s most famous companion, an audio script about the time the Doctor had to work with a Dalek to beat a common enemy, a visit to Stockbridge to have another adventure with Maxwell Edison, and a script ‘Revenant’ written especially for Colin Baker that fell through at the eleventh hour, which is presented here for the first time anywhere.
The titular “Top Ten” is a list Tommy provided Ebbs of his 10 favourite Doctor Who serials. This list has been pitched against stunning brand new illustrations by Adrian Salmon and Martin Geraghty (both of whom are best known for their Doctor Who Magazine work, although their portfolios are extensive) and then followed by Ebbs’ tartly irreverent (and a bit sweary) reviews from his 2017 #SLEDGEHAMMER diary. The rest of the tales and scripts have been augmented by Elton’s Townend Jones’ joyous black-and-white photographs of Doctor Who toys – one of which you can see at the top of this very article!

Ebbs says:

“Please help Tommy and get yourself access to some brilliant brand new illustrations and photographs, plus a load of old Doctor Who nonsense from me.”

To get this book, just make a donation to Tommy’s JustGiving page, then send a copy of the confirmation email to:
Just give the date and time of your donation; no personal information is needed.
Any donated amount will do, but Ebbs suggests:

“Between £5- £10 would be a great ballpark figure to pay for the eBook. Once the email has been received, information will be sent out on how to download the PDF of Tommy’s Top Ten.”

We’re pleased to see that the crowdfunding page is on target to hit the £15,000 aim.
This is one of a few different ways you can support Tommy, whose Doctor Who book, Shroud of Sorrow was released in 2013; Obverse Books’ A Second Target for Tommy, for example, features stories by many different writers – like Steven Moffat, whose exclusive extract from The Day of the Doctor reveals how the Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) could’ve been involved.
It’s wonderful to see the Doctor Who community gather around to support one of our own. It makes you very proud to be part of a fandom that may bicker and moan, but will gather together for the greater good.
There are no plans as yet to make physical copies of Tommy’s Top Ten, but if there is enough interest, that may change.
So what are you waiting for? Donate to help Tommy and you’ll get a free eBook!
Featured image by Elton Townend Jones.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Tommy's Top Ten: Support Tommy Donbavand, and Get an eBook!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min