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Bradley Walsh's Doctor Who Role Has Held Up The Chase Filming

He might be starring in a show where space and time travel are the norm, but the one thing Bradley Walsh doesn’t have time for is filming the TV game show, The Chase.
According to one of the chasers, Anne Hegerty, better known as The Governess on the ITV quiz show, Walsh’s Doctor Who commitments – he’ll be appearing as new companion, Graham alongside Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor – mean that he has struggled to fit in The Chase recordings.
Hegerty told The Mirror (via Digital Spy):
“It can be hard going. The problem this year [is] Bradley has been so unavailable as he has been doing Doctor Who. Bradley was very determined that the one thing he was not going to give up was The Chase.
“We stopped filming for a few months when Bradley did Doctor Who. We did some shows in April and June. [But] I have not filmed since July.”
She added:
“As a Doctor Who fan, I am really excited that he is on the show. But as someone who works with him, I do hope we are going to get some time to make new shows.”
The Chase, which takes place in London 1965, won’t run out of new content anytime soon – Hegerty confirmed that ITV have about a years’ worth of shows still to air, with the current crop of episodes coming from 2017.
So while early evening quizzers might have given up The Chase, Doctor Who fans will get to know if all those scheduling conflicts were worth it when Doctor Who returns on Sunday 7th October on BBC One.

Andrew Reynolds

Bradley Walsh's Doctor Who Role Has Held Up The Chase Filming

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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