You might’ve visited the Doctor Who Companion to be faced with Maintenance Mode. So what the heck is going on? Good question. I’m glad you asked.
Essentially, we’ve been making improvements behind the scenes – ensuring the DWC’s future. You won’t see much change right now. Hopefully, you’ll be able to go onto the HTTPS version of the site – this means communications between our server and your computer are encrypted while in transit. It used to only be required if the site you visit is an eCommerce one, i.e. Amazon, eBay, PayPal, online banking. However, Google now wants all sites to use this method of encryption by default; as such, it pushes the HTTPS sites more than the unsecure ones. We’re still toggling things though, so maybe HTTPS won’t begin working for a few hours/days/millennia.
I’d like to say a special thank you to Christian Cawley – yes, the founder of the DWC’s predecessor, Kasterborous; occasional DWC writer; and all-round good guy – for helping with this. We literally wouldn’t be here without him.
This is just the first stage in improving the DWC. The rest shouldn’t impact you, our readers, too badly; in fact, the team has expanded and we’ve got exciting plans for the future, so things are looking up! You’ll have noticed a number of new writers added to our roster already, and we’re very excited to have them all on board.
We do have some kinks to iron out. We’re aware that Facebook isn’t updating, for instance. And no, we’re not quite sure why. But we’ll get there!
In theory, everything should be back to normal imminently. But if you ever have any concerns or feedback, please email us on – looking forward to hearing from you.
Okay, now we can get back to talking about Doctor Who!