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Out Now – Space: 1999 Returns for Big Finish

Space: 1999, Gerry Anderson’s outer space epic, is back after 42 years in an exciting audio drama series from Big Finish Productions – and features Doctor Who star, Mark Bonnar in the lead role!

Originally launched in September 1975, Space: 1999 told the story of the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha, forced to journey into the unknown when a freak nuclear accident blasts the Moon out of Earth’s orbit. Now, Commander John Koenig, Dr Helena Russell, and Professor Victor Bergman return in a series of audio dramas which combine re-imagined versions of classic episodes with all-new scripts.

Here’s the blurb for the first set:

After the Apollo missions of the 1960s and early 1970s, space exploration was very nearly abandoned as public pressure mounted for money to be concentrated on problems down here on Earth.   

But, by a whisker, funding was granted for a base on the Moon. Greatly expanded, it became the international Moonbase Alpha we know today. 311 personnel serve in a perfect, self-sustaining, artificial environment – their mission statement: ‘To forward the frontiers of human knowledge and science’. 

Dateline: 13th September 1999. The interplanetary Meta Probe is due to be launched from a platform orbiting the Moon. What could possibly go wrong? 

Mark Bonnar, the multi-BAFTA-winning actor best known for ShetlandCatastropheHumansPorridge, Line of Duty and Unforgotten (and who appeared in The Rebel Flesh/ The Almost People, plus various Big Finish stories), plays Commander Koenig. He says:

“Space: 1999 and Martin Landau were two of my favourite things growing up. So my ten year old self was jumping up and down when I got the news that I’d been cast!”

Mark is joined by Maria Teresa Creasey as Dr Helena Russell, with additional cast members Glen McCready (Commander Gorsky/Paul Morrow/Alan Carter), Clive Hayward (Professor Victor Bergman), Susan Hingley (Sandra Benes/Alpha Computer/Sian Springer), Timothy Bentinck (Commissioner Simmons), Amaka Okafor (Dashka Kano), and Jules de Jongh (Petra Nordstrom).

Executive producer, Nicholas Briggs, says:

“The possibilities for this series are endless. It’s an unplanned odyssey that starts with a catastrophe. Disparate personalities are thrown together, clinging on for dear life, finding themselves flung to the far reaches of a universe full of wonder and danger. We’re being absolutely faithful to that central concept, but there is also an element of reinvention in this version. It will feel and sound very much like the original, but with extra dimensions and lots of surprises.”

Producer, David Richardson says:

“I was obsessed with Space: 1999 when it first aired. I have a photo of a 12-year-old me standing in my bedroom surrounded by my Space: 1999 posters, books and toys. And the 56-year-old me still regularly watches the series on Blu-ray – it’s been with me all my life and remains a part of my DNA!” 

Jamie Anderson (son of Gerry Anderson) is script editing the series. He explains:

“From the very first moments of the opening drumroll of the iconic Barry Gray theme (skillfully reimagined by Benji Clifford), Big Finish has managed to do something pretty special with this new version of Space: 1999. Writer/director Nick Briggs has poured a huge amount of love into this, and it really shows. The story contains the essence and spirit of the original, but with a much deeper exploration of the characters. It’s been a pleasure to be involved with this project and I know Dad would have loved it!” 

Space: 1999 -Breakaway!, which has been adapted and reimagined by Nicholas Briggs, is out now. This feature-length first story is split over two CDs, with a further hour of behind-the-scenes interviews and extras on a bonus disc. 

An additional box set of four episodes will follow early in 2020, with the full cast announced soon.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Out Now – Space: 1999 Returns for Big Finish

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min
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