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Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor Gains a New Companion for Big Finish

In the latest monthly Doctor Who release from audio company, Big Finish, the Fifth Doctor gets a new companion – while another turns bad!

Interstitial and Feast of Fear are the first trips into time and space for Marc, who joined the TARDIS team on their travels at the end of September’s release, Doctor Who: Tartarus. Marc, a Roman slave, played by George Watkins, journeys to the far future alongside Tegan (Janet Fielding) and Nyssa (Sarah Sutton).

Peter recalls the Fifth Doctor’s previous male companions, Adric and Turlough:

“One was a child genius who wanted to get back into E-Space and the other one was trying to kill me, so I’m hoping that Marc is going to improve on that record.”

Here are the synopses:

Interstitial by Carl Rowens 

When the TARDIS is drawn off-course by temporal disruption, the Doctor and his companions discover a research facility conducting dangerous experiments. But how do you fight the future when time itself is being used as a weapon? 

Feast of Fear by Martyn Waites 

At the height of the Irish famine, a carnival travels the country bringing cheer to all they encounter.  But it also brings something else along with them …and it already has the Doctor.   

George Watkins says:

“I think Marc is just a bit blown away by what he’s experienced. I think he might think he’s insane, in some way.”

Sarah Sutton adds:

“Because we have the extra companion now, Janet and I have had quite a few scenes together. Whereas normally, if there’s only the two of us, we get split up. We have had some nice scenes together. And… Nyssa gets to be bad.”

This latest set marks the first contribution to Big Finish by writers, Carl Rowens and Martyn Waites. Rowens says:

“I think what I wanted to do was give something special for Tegan and Nyssa to do, to show off their unique skills without the Doctor overshadowing them.”

Waites adds:

“[I was asked] if I could come up with some kind of eerie horror story. Since my crime novels all veer towards that anyway it seemed like a good fit.” 

You can now buy Doctor Who: Interstitial / Feast of Fear as a collector’s edition CD or download from the Big Finish website from £14.99.  

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor Gains a New Companion for Big Finish

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min