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Listen to Big Finish’s The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Isolation – Completely FREE!

Stuck in self-isolation? You can now enjoy Big Finish’s first audio drama written, recorded, and released while the UK is in lockdown during the coronavirus crisis – even better, The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Isolation is completely free!

Inspired by Oscar Wilde’s classic novel, Big Finish’s The Confessions of Dorian Gray series imagines a world where Dorian Gray were real and his friendship with Oscar Wilde spawned the notorious novel. To date, there have been 41 stories in the series, and now there is a new one to add.  

Conceived and written by director Scott Handcock, and performed by actor Alexander Vlahos, this brand new 18-minute long story was produced entirely using remote recording techniques.

From initiation to release, the project has taken just four days to complete! Here’s the synopsis:

London, 2020. As Dorian embarks on a train journey home, he finds himself reflecting on the world around him… 

Writer and co-director, Scott Handcock said:

“The lovely thing about Dorian Gray is that Alex and I have always been on the same page. We both came to the decision to end it at the same time, and almost simultaneously came to the same thought about bringing him back somehow as a little one-off diversion from these strange times. 

So I wrote a script, Alex recorded at home, I did some digital painting for the cover artwork, and Rob Harvey joined in to give it an FX pass and some glorious music. It’s been lovely to reconnect with such generous people, giving up their time; and although Dorian isn’t returning for good, we hope this will prove a welcome reunion for listeners!” 

Actor and co-director, Alexander Vlahos added:

“Obviously the world is going through a massive pandemic and is quite scary and there’s a lot of uncertainly, and a lot of creative people are coming together to cheer people up. And within the space of four days, we’ve created an 18-minute Dorian Gray episode for people – which is brilliant!” 

Executive producer, Nicholas Briggs, went on:

“Scott Handcock and Alex Vlahos’s enthusiasm for the Dorian Gray series has always been a beautiful thing to behold. The two of them just spontaneously did this, and we were thrilled to get on board with it! Enjoy!” 

The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Isolation is available now to download from the Big Finish website, completely free. 

The classic Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is also available in the Big Finish Classics range, dramatised for audio by David Llewellyn, starring Alexander Vlahos, Miles Richardson, and Marcus Hutton. 

Note: The Confessions of Dorian Gray contains adult material and is not suitable for younger listeners.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Listen to Big Finish’s The Confessions of Dorian Gray: Isolation – Completely FREE!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min