The Doctor Who Companion

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Celebrating 4 Years of the Doctor Who Companion – With a New Look!

Hello Stonehenge! Yes, we’re back, and, as they say, it’s about time. Apologies for being unexpectedly offline for an unexpectedly long time. But The Doctor Who Companion is up and running again, ploughing ahead with your daily fix of Doctor Who news, features, reviews, and more, covering all eras of the show. Sort of.

As you can see, we’re relaunching with a new look, but it’s taking some bedding in – so apologies for looking a bit rougher than usual. You’ll probably see blocks where there should be images, and potentially posts that take a while to load. Give us time – we’ll get there.

So what happened? I’m glad you asked. Basically, the DWC has migrated host, and though there were hiccups along the way, our new home should allow us to grow at a better rate. The previous host even penalised us for exceeding monthly visitor rates, so the more readers we attracted, the more money we had to pay. It felt restrictive, especially when the site’s reach was expanding due to a new series on TV and lots of exciting news from Candy Jar Publishing, Big Finish, Obverse Books, et al.

But hey, the DWC launched 4 years ago today (26th March), so this feels like the right time to be relaunching with a new look.

Thank you, dear readers, for sticking with us. Thanks, too, to the DWC’s contributors, for your patience and enthusiasm for getting back to the grind. And a massive thank you to Christian Cawley, whose help in migrating has been immense. It’s hugely appreciated. Honestly, without Christian, we wouldn’t be here. In fact, I’d have probably given up all hope and collapsed in an apathetic pile of skin and organs.

Coming up on the DWC: is Bradley Walsh leaving Doctor Who? Who are the Black and White Guardians? And what did the DWC think of The Timeless Children? Plus, we’ve got more themed weeks coming up, a dip into past merchandise with the Collectors’ Corner, and even some fiction, a prequel to a much-loved Third Doctor classic.

Yep, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Watch us run… Or stumble about for a bit then run.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Celebrating 4 Years of the Doctor Who Companion – With a New Look!

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min