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Out Now: Big Finish’s Final Main Range Release, The End of the Beginning

Big Finish’s Doctor Who Main Range, aka The Monthly Adventures, come to a close with The End of the Beginning, which is available to buy on CD or download right now.

The End of the Beginning brings together the Fifth (Peter Davison), Sixth (Colin Baker), Seventh (Sylvester McCoy), and Eighth (Paul McGann) Doctors in a full cast audio drama that takes them to the very edges of the Universe. This is the 275th consecutive monthly Doctor Who adventure from Big Finish, after which the range makes way for something new…

The story collects:

  • Part One: Death and the Desert
  • Part Two: Flight of the Blackstar
  • Part Three: Night Gallery
  • Part Four: The Lost Moon

Here’s the synopsis:

The Universe is in a state of crisis, facing destruction from the results of a strange spatio-temporal event. And the Doctor is involved in three different incarnations – each caught up in a deadly adventure, scattered across time and space. The whole of creation is threatened – and someone is hunting the Doctor.  

The three incarnations of the Doctor must join together to confront their implacable pursuer – but in doing so will they unleash a still greater threat? 

Writer Rob Valentine said:

“I wanted it to be a big celebration of The Monthly Adventures Doctors, and also something of a promise that their adventures are far from over. Knowing it was the last story of the range, I knew it had to have a certain weight and a bit of a ‘victory lap’ feel to it. And I also wanted to make it as fun and exciting as I possibly could.” 

Executive producer Nicholas Briggs, who wrote Big Finish’s first Doctor Who adventure, The Sirens of Time, explained:

“The change to the Main or The Monthly Adventures range is simply a re-organisation to make Big Finish’s Doctor Who audios more accessible to a wider audience.  

“To anyone visiting us for the first time, trying to work out where to start or which set of adventures to embark upon first, it’s very confusing that each Doctor doesn’t have their own separate range. And that confusion creates a barrier between a potential listener and Big Finish, and a listener losing out. 

“The Big Finish Main/The Monthly Adventures range is like the bud on a flower – full of great stuff but locked in where no one can see it. By reorganising the way we release things, we’re not stopping/cancelling/ending anything. We’re simply allowing that bud to flower.  

“As it opens up, the detail of how beautiful all these exciting stories are is revealed. You can see which Doctors feature in which adventures. This really is the beginning of something very exciting. And as with all great Doctor Who, there will be something old, something new, something borrowed and, of course, something blue… vworp, vworp… Four-part stories, two-part stories, three-part stories… maybe even six-part stories. Exciting casting, old monsters, new monsters… so many thrilling adventures ahead.”  

The End of the Beginning is now available exclusively from Big Finish, priced at £14.99 (as a CD) and £12.99 (as a digital download). 

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: Big Finish’s Final Main Range Release, The End of the Beginning

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min