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Covers and Cast Announced for Big Finish’s Dalek Universe 2 Starring David Tennant

Big Finish has revealed the cover artwork and cast details for Dalek Universe 2, set for release this July.

Each of the three volumes in Dalek Universe is released as a four-disc collector’s edition box set or download containing three brand-new full cast audio adventures, plus a selection of behind-the-scenes extras.

In the first episode, Cycle of Destruction by Roy Gill, David Tennant (the Tenth Doctor), Jane Slavin (Anya Kingdom), Joe Sims (Mark Seven), and Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks) are joined by an android family: Nina Toussaint-White (Let’s Kill Hitler) plays Mariah Six, John Banks (Graceless, Missy) is Jason Four, and Avita Jay (Stranded, Silent Witness) is Hera.

Of the script, Nina Toussaint-White said:

“My first impression was pure excitement, and a lot of surprise! I was excited because Mariah’s character is so meaty, and I was eager to jump on and follow her on her journey – seeing this transition and understanding why she did the things that she did, I felt a lot of empathy for her actually.” 

Avita Jay agreed:

“I found the script really intriguing from start to finish, meeting these android characters. It evoked a lot of imaginations of what this alien place and its inhabitants would look like, so I found it a really exciting read!” 

John Banks added:

“It was great fun, as always, working with the people who contribute to Big Finish – some of whom I’ve never met before and some of whom I have worked with. Jane Slavin and I have done a number of projects together, and I was very thrilled to work with David Tennant again after Time Reaver – he’s a great fan of Doctor Who as well as being integral to it, and he’s just lovely to work with.” 

The second story, The Trojan Dalek by John Dorney, features the previously-announced Blake Ritson as Major McLinn with Pippa Bennett-Warner (Time Heist) as Fliss Keeley and Barnaby Edwards (The Box of Delights, Gallifrey) as Arborecc.

Of his character, Blake Ritson said:

“Although he’s superficially quite charming, in some ways I think McLinn is actually a bit of an extremist – he’s prepared to forgo all moral questions in the search for the upper hand against the Daleks. And the script was tremendous fun – there’s a lot of witty exchanges!” 

Barnaby Edwards added:

“A John Dorney script is always a pleasure – they’re always witty, and really well-plotted and just a joy to do, with really good, well-defined characters! 

“One of the great joys about doing this story is getting to play with David’s Doctor again – he has got so much richness, subtlety, humour and even seriousness into his performance. It’s just a joy to hear him weave his vocal magic again.” 

Pippa Bennett-Warner agreed:

“I’ve not worked with David Tennant before, but he’s really cool. I think what makes his Doctor so loved is his charisma, charm and the humour of his performance – he’s one of my favourite Doctors!” 

The final tale, The Lost by Rob Valentine, heralds the return of Kevin McNally (The Twin Dilemma) as Merrick Kingdom along with Leighton Pugh (Sherlock Holmes, The Diary of River Song) as The Lost.

Of Merrick Kingdom, Kevin McNally said:

“He starts off as a very charming man, then he reveals a more sinister side, and then he has to make a very big, moral decision… and the way that goes I won’t spoil!” 

Leighton Pugh added:

“It’s a great script, the usual Big Finish mix of punchy dialogue and action – you have to keep your wits about you!” 

You can also now pre-order all three volumes of Dalek Universe, which are available in three formats – collector’s edition CD, digital download or limited edition gatefold triple LP vinyl – from the Big Finish website (, from just £19.99. Or you can save by pre-ordering a bundle of the entire series for just £66 (as a collector’s edition box set) or £58 (as a download).   

The Dalek Universe triple LP vinyls are strictly limited to a pressing of 1,000 per volume, and can be pre-ordered at £35.99 each, or £99 for the bundle of all three albums, again exclusively at the Big Finish website (  

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Covers and Cast Announced for Big Finish’s Dalek Universe 2 Starring David Tennant

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min