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Out Now: Sherlock Holmes Magazine #4

The fourth issue of the Sherlock Holmes Magazine is available now and includes a wealth of interesting information for avid fans and casual followers of the Great Detective.

Though not directly related to Doctor Who, we figure this will nonetheless be of interest to DWC readers; indeed, the magazine, edited by Adrian Braddy, has proved hugely popular so far, and rightly so.

The Sherlock Holmes Magazine #4 (the Spring 2021 edition) includes:​

  • Back to Baker Street: Interview with Nicholas Meyer, writer of The Seven-Per-Cent Solution​.
  • Robert Duvall as Dr Watson
  • Silent Holmes: An in-depth look at the making of 1914 silent movie A Study in Scarlet. Is it a lost masterpiece?
  • Lupin vs Holmes: With the success of the new Lupin spin-off, and talk of a possible Sherlock crossover, we look back at past meetings between the English sleuth and French crook
  • Behind the scenes on Conan Doyle short film The Final Problem
  • David Stuart Davies compares the relationship between Holmes and Watson to that of an old-fashioned English marriage
  • Holmes and the Ripper: A detailed look at the chronology shows the whereabouts of Holmes when Jack the Ripper was committing his despicable crimes
  • Sherlock of the Midlands: a real-life sleuth from Victorian Leicester
  • Race and the canon: Bruce Harris asks some tough questions of the portrayal of race in Conan Doyle’s stories
  • Christopher Plummer: a tribute to the actor who twice played Sherlock Holmes
  • Can Sherlock save counter-intelligence? A lost essay written by Dr John Watson
  • The beast of Baker Street: How a real-life “hell-hound” stalked the road outside 221B in 1886
  • Teller of tales: The story behind a publishing phenomenon 

You can also get back issues of the Sherlock Holmes Magazine from the official site.

And issue 5 is coming out imminently, which does include some Doctor Who material…

Head over to the Sherlock Holmes Magazine site to learn more.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Out Now: Sherlock Holmes Magazine #4

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min