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Out Now: 10 Years On, The War Doctor Returns in Comrades-in-Arms from Big Finish

A decade on from his debut in The Name of the Doctor, the War Doctor is back, this time played by Jonathon Carley, in The War Doctor Begins: Comrades-in-Arms, a new boxset from Big Finish.

The War Doctor (originally played by Sir John Hurt) made his debut on television at the cliffhanger of The Name of the Doctor, broadcast on 18th May 2013. For the past eight years, the adventures have continued on audio, during the course of which the War Doctor has made several new friends.

One who made a big impression on him was Case, played by Ajjaz Awad, who first arrived in Warbringer, the second volume of The War Doctor Begins series. 

And now, Case is back as we discover more of her past and follow her as she steps towards her future. This being the Time War, the path could be a dark one indeed…

Producer David Richardson says:

“Sometimes you can’t plan for the best ideas, they just pop into stories when you’re not really looking, and make such an impression that they deserve to stick around.

“This was the situation with the character of Case who blew us away when we listened back to the finished production. Not only was Ajjaz absolutely majestic in the role but there seemed so much potential for exploring her further.”

Here’s what to expect from The War Doctor Begins: Comrades-in-Arms

The Doctor is no more. A warrior has joined the Time War between the Daleks and Gallifrey. But how far will he go? What lines will he cross? How much of himself will he sacrifice? And can a chance of redemption lie in changing the fate of a fellow soldier?

A Mother’s Love by Noga Flaishon

Responding to a distress call, the War Doctor arrives on Haven: a state-of-the-art Time Lord field hospital, operated by the highly advanced ‘Medbay Operation Mainframe’ – or M.O.M.

But the station has been compromised. M.O.M.’s secrets run deep, time is running out, and the War Doctor must renew some old alliances if everyone is to get out alive…

Berserker by Timothy X Atack

Sunspire was devastated by the Daleks centuries ago. The last of its people are returning to seek out their heritage in an underground bunker, and save their species from extinction. Case and the War Doctor join the mission, posing as a Dalek-Killer and her squire.

But the bunker has an occupant: a single Berserker Dalek, driven insane by four hundred years of solitude…

Memnos by Phil Mulryne

Memnos: a secret Time Lord project, recording everything lost to the Time War. A place where the War Doctor can admit his part in the conflict and seek solace – and perhaps where he can find salvation for Case.

But the Dalek Time Strategist will not let slip her potential. She could be the Daleks’ greatest weapon. The battle for Case’s soul will be won or lost in Memnos.

Writer Noga Flaishon said:

“I had a blast writing for Veklin, and for Case especially. They are the sort of characters teenage me would have been obsessed with back when I first got introduced to Doctor Who, and I know a lot of fans love them. Veklin is also, frankly, a terrifying person, so having Case stand up to her was a ton of fun.”

Timothy X Atack said:

“My highlight was to massively ratchet up the tension between this mismatched pair of heroes, and there’s some properly incandescent, ground-shifting moments for both of them. The whole episode is written in the style of a ‘single-shot’ film, following the platoon in real time as they break into the bunker and chaos erupts.”

And Phil Mulryne said:

“We’re right in the thick of the Time War and its struggles. As the fight between Case’s Dalek and humanoid sides reaches a climax, the War Doctor has to help Case continue to fight, even when that means fighting against half of her very self.”

You can save money by pre-ordering both Comrades-in-Arms and the forthcoming Enemy Mine box set together in a bundle for £38 (as CD box sets and download) or £33 (download only). The War Doctor Begins: Comrades-in-Arms is now available to own on CD (and download) for £19.99 or digital download only (for £16.99).

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Out Now: 10 Years On, The War Doctor Returns in Comrades-in-Arms from Big Finish

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min