The Doctor Who Companion

Get your daily fix of news, reviews, and features with the Doctor Who Companion!

Love the Doctor Who Companion? 5 Ways You Can Help Support the DWC Without Spending Anything

We all hope you like visiting the Doctor Who Companion, and very much appreciate all your support.

In order to keep the site going, however, we’re looking for your non-financial help. There are numerous different ways you can do this, and any is appreciated.

1. Write For Us!

Yes, we are always on the lookout for new contributors. You might just fancy writing a review or feature now and then, or you might want to start writing up news stories every week/fortnight/month. Whatever you fancy, please do get in touch with us.

The catch? It’s an annoying one, I’m afraid. You won’t get physical payment for anything you write. What you do get, though, is a by-line, profile, and potential review copies. Want to listen to brand new stories from Big Finish or BBC Audio? We can get you downloads to enjoy — all we ask in return is a review. We can sometimes get books too, depending on the publisher. Basically, by writing for us, you join a nice little community and keep the site doing.

So if you’d like to get in touch, please email us on now!

2. Use Our Affiliate Links

Nobody at the DWC gets paid for their work — this is a passion project, albeit rather a large one. Any ads you might see and affiliate links go to help us pay for hosting. It’s rather a lot and sort of multi-tiered too, as we have to pay for support from our actual host plus WordPress.

So what can you do? Simply use our affiliate links please! Whenever there’s a link to Amazon on the DWC, we get paid a small referral amount from Amazon, and it doesn’t cost you anything. It actually comes out of Amazon’s pocket. And that goes for everything. If you want to buy something Doctor Who related, great; if you don’t, you can still use one of our links and then shop for anything you like — we get a percentage based on your overall spend.

And don’t worry, we can’t see what you’ve bought. It appears to use as “DVDs and Blu-rays” or similar, and we can’t link any data up with individual accounts.

3. Spread the Word

Okay, so Google changed its algorithm and basically every site except Reddit has suffered. It’s really quite ridiculous, but that’s Google for you.

That means traffic has gone down. That doesn’t make a massive difference to us because financial situations mean it doesn’t matter if we reach 10 people or 10,000. But we’d prefer the latter. It’s nice to see our little site gain traction — we put a lot of work into it, with at least one article going up every day, something few other Who sites do. We also do extra bits like the yearly Doctor Who Companion Annual, a free-to-download PDF. Again, no other site does that.

It’d be great if you can spread the word, then. Tell your friends and family about us! Know someone who might like an article about shoes in Doctor Who? Or a review of every season? Refer them to us please. We’ve an archive going back to 2016, so we’re sure something will hit the right chord. Any way you can spread the word is very helpful, including sharing pieces on social media. After Twitter rebranded to X, we’ve had troubles sharing stuff there, so your help is definitely appreciated.

4. Comment on Articles

One of the reasons the DWC is still going is because it’s built a strong community, one which speaks out in the comments section and is kind and yet critical. We love freedom of speech, so as long as nothing shared is hate speech or is unnecessarily insulting, it’s fantastic to see everyone interacting.

At the end of the day, we’re all here because we love Doctor Who, whether that be 20th Century Who, 2005-2023 Who, the recent series, or all of it. So let’s keep this community happy and healthy.

5. Keep Reading!

As ever, what this boils down to is your support, however you can give it. If that’s solely to keep reading, then that’s fantastic.

Thank you very much for sticking with us — we hope we’re doing you proud.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Love the Doctor Who Companion? 5 Ways You Can Help Support the DWC Without Spending Anything

by Philip Bates time to read: 3 min