As the 2014 festive special went to great pains to teach us people get together at Christmas because they might
I am Davros, Dark Lord of Skaro, and I have been tempted here to your miserable corner of the web
Now, before we begin, I have a confession to make. The Three Doctors is and will forever be my favourite
It’s a much-loved classic that introduces a whole new era of Doctor Who: Spearhead from Space. Jon Pertwee makes his debut as
There’s never been a ‘scorched earth’ approach to a departing star or producer before in the history of Doctor Who,
There’s something joyous about those images from the 1960s of William Hartnell posing at home with a small army of
Christian Cawley looks back at the very first Doctor Who video he received – The Keeper of Traken!
Q. How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a light bulb? A. None; they just sit there
“Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan!” We’re pleased to announce that The Doctor Who Companion will launch March 26th
“It all started out as a mild curiosity in the junkyard, and now it’s turned out to be quite a