Like many fans, the Seventh Doctor and Ace hold a special place in my heart. Unlike many fans, this isn’t
As a franchise Doctor Who is, and I colour this statement with contemptable coinage, decidedly “timey wimey”. Since 2001, I
Toshiko Sato is ready for action! Naoko Mori is back in the next instalment of Torchwood: Series 2! The next
Twitter gets some bad press, but it can be a wonderful place – especially for fans of Doctor Who. Oh sure,
Peter Capaldi has accepted the Guinness World Records title for the ‘Largest Gathering of People Dressed as Doctor Who Characters’,
As the 2014 festive special went to great pains to teach us people get together at Christmas because they might
There’s never been a ‘scorched earth’ approach to a departing star or producer before in the history of Doctor Who,
Q. How many Doctor Who fans does it take to change a light bulb? A. None; they just sit there