Despite gearing himself up to film his final, emotional moments as the Doctor, Peter Capaldi wasn’t about to forego his
Wishing the old boss a fond farewell, Karen Gillan paid tribute to the man that cast her as Amy Pond
The cast and crew of the upcoming festive special, Twice Upon A Time have got together to wish viewers a very Merry
Throughout Doctor Who Series 10, much of fandom fell in love with Bill Potts, played wonderfully by Pearl Mackie. And it
Paul McGann has voiced his support for incoming Doctor Jodie Whitaker, arguing that she’s “the best person for the role”
It was Peter Capaldi’s idea to bring David Bradley back to play the First Doctor in Twice Upon A Time!
The end is rapidly approaching: the BBC has signaled the oncoming regeneration of the Twelfth Doctor with a festive trailer
Steven Moffat’s first Doctor Who serial was The Empty Child/ The Doctor Dances, all the way back in 2005; now, in 2017,
With only a few weeks to go, the BBC has released a new batch of photos from the Doctor Who 2017
If you’re anything like us, you’ll be on the look-out for the BBC Christmas trailer: yes, yes, yes, we see