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Katy Manning and Sophie Aldred Support Charity Dalek Push

Two companions of the Doctor have teamed up to support a great cause: the Bedford Foodbank. You may recall a Bedford Convention in aid of the charity, organised by the DWC’s very own Simon Danes; two of its stars – Katy Manning aka Jo Grant, and Sophie Aldred aka Ace – are now supporting a Dalek push!

“What’s a Dalek push?” You may ask. “It’s when you push a Dalek,” is the answer. Daleks are surprisingly heavy, y’know: the actual mutant inside weighs a fair bit, and then there’s all the polycarbide and Dalekanium. This will be a deactivated Dalek, so onlookers need not fear extermination.

One such pusher includes DWC regular, Simon Mills, who’s been practising by pushing pints around a bar. He knows it’s tough work, but someone simply has to do it.

Katy Manning Sophie Aldred

So, without further ado, here’s Sophie and Katy explaining all about the Dalek Push taking place on 8th October:


We’re the patrons of The Great Bedford Foodbank Sponsored Dalek Push and we’d like to ask for your help.

The Great Bedford Foodbank Sponsored Dalek Push takes place on Saturday 8th October and it’s going to be great fun. You may have heard of sponsored bed-pushes, where you push a bed through the streets; well, this time, Daleks are going to be pushed instead!

As you might have guessed, all the money raised will go to Bedford Foodbank. We’d like to tell you why their work matters so much.

It’s shocking, but we’re afraid it’s true: some people in the UK still don’t have enough to eat. Things like illness, weeks waiting for benefits to come through, relationship breakdown, low income, or escaping from a violent partner can all cause people to fall into poverty. They simply don’t have any money to buy food. 

In the Bedford area, 500 adults and children would go hungry every month – if they weren’t helped by Bedford Foodbank.

So… please can you help?

Doctor Who fans will be pushing Daleks through Bedford on Saturday 8th October.  Please: do sponsor them.  You can make a donation now on our JustGiving page. Or, if you’d like to make a pledge to sponsor the people taking part, please contact the organiser, Simon Danes, on

It costs over £30,000 a year to run the Foodbank and we’re hoping that the Dalek Push will raise £5000 of this.

Thank you very, very much for your help. And thank you from Jo and Ace, too!

Best wishes,

Sophie and Katy.

So what’re you waiting for? Support a great cause today!

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Katy Manning and Sophie Aldred Support Charity Dalek Push

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min