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The Official First Image for Class Is Here and It's Dark

This new Class image is really dark…literally.
It might be tempting to read a little too much into the lack of safe lighting – it could very well be a midnight alien hunt through the corridors of Coal Hill Academy (but what about A-Level revision!) – rather than an indicator of the tone of the whole series but, well, it’s a little dark.
The BBC have revealed the first image for Patrick Ness’ new Doctor Who spin-off, where the former employer and place of study for Clara, Susan, Barbara, and Ian is now at the heart of a rift between our world and a whole mess of alien trouble. So instead of double maths you’ve got weird alien guns, seems like a fair swap.
This image also gives us our first glimpse of Miss Quill, played by Katherine Kelly, a teacher described in the original cast announcement as a “powerful new presence at Coal Hill School,” and the alien gun pointer, April, who is played by Sophie Hopkins.
It does seem in keeping with the recent revelation that Class would fill the tonal gap between Torchwood and Buffy – albeit perhaps a little darker than what we were expecting…
Class will air next month on BBC Three and BBC America.

Andrew Reynolds

The Official First Image for Class Is Here and It's Dark

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min
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