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Coming Soon: Titan Comics' Ninth Doctor #6

This Wednesday sees Titan Comics unleash another fantastic adventure for the Ninth Doctor.
Welcome back to the 70s (or is it the 80s?)! The Doctor becomes entangled once more with the forces of UNIT when a cache of potentially devastating top secret material is leaked to the media. But does the UNIT whistleblower have a point? Alien invasion and internecine intrigue combine in an explosive new story!
The Ninth Doctor! UNIT! Time period confusion! What more could you want?
Written by Cavan Scott with art by Adriana Melo Doctor Who – Ninth Doctor #6 is available to buy from all good stockists and digitally via Comixology this Wednesday 5th October.

Andrew Reynolds

Coming Soon: Titan Comics' Ninth Doctor #6

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min