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New Pictures for Class Episode 4 – Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart

In this week’s Class, we turn our attention to the nice girl of the group, April as a small matter of the heart threatens to overwhelm her when it reveals a hidden source of power.
In these new production stills released by the BBC for the fourth episode, Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart (try saying it without the Yes vocals…it’s impossible), April (Sophie Hopkins) gets an unwanted visitor in the form of her estranged father (Con O’Neil) and the leader of the Shadow Kin Corakinus (Paul Marc Davis), makes his presence felt.
Frightened by this extraordinary new-found power, April seeks comfort in Ram (Fady Elsayed) and vows to reclaim her heart as her own.
Meanwhile, something strange is happening to the others – London is slowly being infested with unusual, sinister flower petals.
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart is available to watch on BBC Three on Saturday, November 5th from 10am – you can also catch up with the rest of the series via the BBC iPlayer.

Andrew Reynolds

New Pictures for Class Episode 4 – Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min