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Doctor Who Magazine: Katy Manning 'I'm Addicted to Doctor Who!'

In the latest groovetastic issue of Doctor Who Magazine, Third Doctor companion Katy Manning has been chatting with writer and actor Mark Gatiss about her addiction to Doctor Who and her memories of  Jon Pertwee’s Doctor.
Speaking about the 1970’s, Manning shared the effect the show has had on her and viewers.
She said:
“Going back to my childhood, I remember sitting nose-to-screen, seeing Doctor Who for the first time, with William Hartnell, and it blew me away. I’m addicted to this day.
“The number of people that have been affected by it, one way or another. The number of people we’ve given warmth and love to, in their sitting room, when they’ve had troubled times; they’ve been going through some trauma in their life, and Doctor Who has brought them hope. What a gift of a show!”
Elsewhere, Gatiss shared his memories of the first time he saw Katy on screen in her début adventure, 1971’s Terror of the Autons:
Mark: “I remember it as if it were yesterday. I have very, very particular memories of those first few stories. I was so frightened of that little troll doll –”
Katy: “It’s still pretty ghastly. (Shudders) It had pointed teeth, and the way it walked –”
Mark: “I was four years old. Your early memories tend to be either something amazing, or something very traumatic. Usually traumatic.”
Katy: “But it was an extraordinary episode. I loved it as an introduction, because Jo was quite different. She was just ordinary, really. She had no special talents. You watch Jo, literally straight out of school, saying, ‘I didn’t say I passed,’ [in response to the Doctor’s ‘I thought you took an A-level in Science?’] – which I thought was a great line to give anybody!”
Mark: “It’s absolutely true to say that everybody has their Doctor and their time, and I just can’t remember there not being a time when Jon and Katy were it for me. I revisit them often, especially in trouble times – or on wintery afternoons. Like I did the other day. ‘Ooh, I think I might have a glass of sherry and a mince pie, and watch Planet of the Daleks, because it’ll make me feel good.’ I know I sound like I’m about a hundred years old –”
Katy: “Leave that to me. (Laughs) But she was very young, Jo, which was so lucky, because I got to grow up. The writers were very clever. They saw I was growing up, so Jo grew up with me.”
Mark: “And I grew up with Jo.”
The issue also includes:

  • Terrance Dicks Interviewed – A chat with Doctor Who’s masterful writer, genius script editor, prolific novelist and creator of the Time Lords.
  • Doctor Who In The 1970s – An exploration of how Doctor Who reflected the real world during the 1970s.
  • Time Capsule – We vworp back to revisit what was happening during a single month in Doctor Who history: November 1977.
  • Doorway To Hell – Part One of a brand-new comic strip adventure, set in 1973, written by Mark Wright and illustrated by Staz Johnson.
  • The Brain Of Morbius – 1970s Doctor Who meets Gothic horror, as the TARDIS lands on Karn in this issue’s Fact of Fiction.
  • The DWM Review – A look back of the 2016 Christmas Special The Return of Doctor Mysterio, plus all the latest audio releases.
  • Previews – A look ahead to all the latest Doctor Who CD and book releases, coming soon.
  • Plus A FREE Doctor Who comic, *Sub Zero, featuring the Third Doctor and the Daleks, originally presented in 1972!

sub zero
 Doctor Who Magazine #503 is available to buy now from all good stockists. 

Andrew Reynolds

Doctor Who Magazine: Katy Manning 'I'm Addicted to Doctor Who!'

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 2 min
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