Excitement is building for the return of Doctor Who to our television screens but a timely reminder has come our way from Titan Comics that there are other formats where we can enjoy the Doctor’s continuing adventures. Saturday 2nd September 2017 will see the now-traditional Doctor Who Comics Day in comic shops, bookstores, libraries, and online across the universe.
The publisher promises that this year’s event will be bigger than ever before so comic fans and collectors had better brace themselves for new comics and collections, merchandise, variant covers, signings, and events taking place.
This year’s event, the fourth such celebration of Doctor Who in strip form, will see the debut of a story crossing over all four ongoing series (Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctor comics), starting with what we’re promised will be a ‘super-accessible’ Alpha issue, drawn by Rachael Stott (Twelfth Doctor), on the big day. More details on the story and creative teams are promised over the coming weeks so keep an eye out for further news.
Fans will remember that last year’s event tied in with the release of the five-part Supremacy of the Cybermen series crossover, in celebration of the silver giants’ 50th anniversary. Written by long-term Doctor Who writers, Cavan Scott and George Mann, with art by Ivan Rodriguez, Walter Geovanni, and Alessandro Vitti, last year’s special release kicked off celebrations for Doctor Who Comics Day at over 2,000 locations.
“People have been clamoring for information about our next Doctor Who Comics Day for a while, so it’s great to finally reveal the date for this year’s cel-Who-bration!” Titan Comics’ Chris Thompson tells us, punning shamelessly. “With the Doctor returning to screens for his most stunning adventures yet in Season 10, we want to up the ante and make this year’s Doctor Who Comics Day bigger than ever before! So,” continues Chris, ramping up the excitement for all he’s worth, “grab your Sonic Screwdriver and keep your eyes peeled for more details of this year’s special event. Allons-y!”
Comic shop owners, booksellers, and librarians looking to plan an event, as well as fans hoping to hold a comics reading party on the big day, are encouraged to register their interest here.
We’ll have more news on Doctor Who Comics Day as soon as it’s announced! Do you fancy holding your own comics themed party? Let us know below!