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Doctor Who Series 11 to Air in October 2018?

Though filming must surely finish in the next couple of months, it sounds like we won’t get to see Doctor Who Series 11 until October 2018.
This comes from the BBC Worldwide catalogue which we previously covered as it described the upcoming series thus:

Doctor Who 9 x 50′ & 1 x 65’

Already highly anticipated, Series 11 heralds a brand-new era for Doctor Who with a world-class team at the helm. Incoming lead writer Chris Chibnall has a fresh and inclusive vision for the series. Bigger and bolder than ever, this series marks the arrival of Jodie Whittaker, the 13th Doctor – a super-smart force of nature, alongside a team of new and delightful characters. The show will be full of action and adventure, humour and thrills. An unmissable high-end drama everyone will enjoy.

However, since then, the wider description has come to light – and includes this worrying statement:

“Delivers October 2018.”

Now, as many have pointed out on Twitter, this could merely be a placeholder date; alternatively, there may be some truth in it. Why would they choose October if it were more likely to air in September? Or, as seems most likely, August Bank Holiday? Perhaps October is the latest estimate – a warning that, if production and post-production doesn’t go as smoothly as expected, it won’t screen until October. Any of the mooted dates would fit into the BBC’s promise that Series 11 would start in Autumn 2018.
This comes just a few days after the rumour that Doctor Who would move from its typical Saturday evening slot (albeit one that’s shifted airtime regularly over the past few years) to Sundays.
Assuming the 10-episode run starts on the first weekend of October (that’s 6th- 7th), Series 11 would likely conclude on 8th- 9th December, leaving fans waiting just over a fortnight until a proposed Christmas special. However, we’re yet to hear anything about a festive episode, so that’s pure supposition.
Whatever happens, it still feels a mistake to wait so long before transmission of Jodie Whittaker’s first full episode as the Thirteenth Doctor. However you feel about her appointment, it gained a lot of publicity for the show, but any excitement generated for casual viewers will surely have begun to wane by now. Equally, those who are nervous about the upcoming direction, helmed by incoming showrunner Chris Chibnall, are just getting more and more anxious.
Despite what this BBC Worldwide catalogue says, our (entirely metaphorical) money’s still on late August, early September.
Do you think October is likely? Is it a good time for Doctor Who to air? When do you want to see the show back?

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Doctor Who Series 11 to Air in October 2018?

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min