The Doctor Who Companion

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Enjoy Lethbridge-Stewart Tales on Kindle from Candy Jar Books – COMPLETELY FREE!

Candy Jar Books is offering five stories to download onto Kindle – completely free until Monday 11th June 2018!
If you’ve been watching Doctor Who on Twitch, this is your chance to see what happens next for the Brigadier, Anne Travers, and the Great Intelligence. To celebrate the popularity of 1960s Who on the video streaming platform, Candy Jar, publisher of the Lethbridge-Stewart books, is giving Kindle users these tales to read, free of charge:

  • Top Secret Files: An introductory pack featuring new short stories and interviews about the Brigadier.
  • The Dogs of War: The Brigadier and Group Captain Gilmore team-up to deal with an unusual threat in the London Underground. Have the Yeti returned?
  • Times Squared: The Yeti have invaded New York and are lurking in the subway. The Brigadier stands ready to face them.
  • Night of the Intelligence: A kidnap. A conspiracy. And the return of a primal force from the dawn of the universe. The Brigadier fights to protect not only the UK, but the world itself!
  • The Lucy Wilson Mysteries: Avatars of the Intelligence: Threatened by an old enemy, Lucy must step into her grandfather’s shoes. But in her new hometown, who can she trust?

The latter is a young adult adventure, but this definitely shouldn’t put you off – it’s a fantastic read, and in our review, the DWC said:

“[T]his book has a cracking pace, plenty of nods to the wider Who universe (without feeling like it must rely on it, as Kate Stewart does in her TV stories, annoyingly), and leaves you wanting to read more.”

Check these five free stories out here on Amazon.
Beyond the Lethbridge-Stewart range, but also free on Kindle, you can enjoy an original sci-fi novel by Peter Grehan. House of Ushers: Dead Man Dancing features death, intrigue… and lots of ice cream. A space opera for a new generation.
And as a direct download from Candy Jar, you can read the prelude to The Garden Saga, an urban fantasy series from Lethbridge-Stewart range editor, Andy Frankham-Allen. Originally published in 2011, Candy Jar Books have secured the publication rights to both Serere and Seeker (book one of The Garden Saga). Seeker will be released later this year as a new revised version updated for 2018. This will be followed in 2019 by the long-anticipated second novel in the series, Augury. Here’s the blurb:

1788 and a mysterious man arrives at Newington Green. There he will be presented with parchment that will send him on a journey that will take him over 220 years to complete. A journey to uncover the origins of his people, the Children of Kemi, and the prophecy of the Seeker…

The Garden Saga explores mature themes and contains explicit content, and is not recommended for younger readers.

Download the whole 55-page story here!
You’ve only got until Monday 11th June 2018 to enjoy these treats, so be quick…
And thank you, Candy Jar – you’re very good to us!

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Enjoy Lethbridge-Stewart Tales on Kindle from Candy Jar Books – COMPLETELY FREE!

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min