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Humble Bundle Unveil New Doctor Who and Torchwood Audiobook Bundle

Humble Bundle are at it again with a second Humble Audiobook Bundle featuring some of the best Doctor Who and Torchwood audio adventures Big Finish has to offer.
The line-up has regenerated to include the likes of Doctor Who – Eighth Doctor Adventures: Dark Eyes 1, Big Finish Audiobooks: Tom Baker at 80, and Torchwood – Special Releases: The Torchwood Archive. Plus, you decided just how much of your purchase goes towards helping BBC Children In Need.
The entire bundle is worth $371 but Humble Bundle allows you to choose the price and increase your contribution to not increase the bundle you receive but also increase your contribution towards this most worthy of causes. You’ll have to be quick though as you’ve got just under two weeks as of writing to claim this awesome bundle.
The three pay thresholds are:
Pay $1 (about £0.78) or more and receive Doctor Who – Short Trips Volumes 1 to 4 plus Torchwood: The Conspiracy.
Pay $8 (about £6.26) or more to also unlock Doctor Who – Eighth Doctor Adventures: Dark Eyes 01: The Great War, Big Finish Audiobooks: Tom Baker at 80, Big Finish Audiobooks: This is Colin Baker, Torchwood: Fall to Earth and Torchwood: Forgotten Lives.
Pay $15 (about £11.74) or more to also unlock Doctor Who – Fourth Doctor Adventures: Philip Hinchcliffe Presents Vol. 1, Torchwood: One Rule, Torchwood: Uncanny Valley, Torchwood: More Than This, Torchwood: The Victorian Age and Torchwood – Special Releases: The Torchwood Archive.
So why not give a little to charity and get your hands a slew of exciting audio adventures from the worlds of Doctor Who and Torchwood courtesy of Big Finish and Humble Bundle.
(Thanks to Jason Zerdin)

Andrew Reynolds

Humble Bundle Unveil New Doctor Who and Torchwood Audiobook Bundle

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 1 min