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Coming Soon: Big Finish's The Diary of River Song Series 6 and 7

River Song is back to once again tidy up her husband’s time line in two new two more audio series of The Diary of River Song from Big Finish.
After meeting five incarnations of the Doctor and four incarnations of the Doctor’s mortal enemy, the Master, this time River will be crashing into the Doctor’s timeline during some of the most famous Doctor Who of all time.
While Big Finish are holding back some of the details they did reveal that in the final story of The Diary of River Song Series Six, River will be travelling back to Victorian London, just before the classic Fourth Doctor story, The Talons of Weng-Chiang.
In The Talents of Greel, by Paul Morris, River will be playing detective, working out what is happening to the performers of London town, and her investigations take her to the Palace Theatre where she’ll meet Henry Gordon Jago, played by Christopher Benjamin.
Angus Wright (Kingdom of Heaven) plays Magnus Greel (reprising the role from an earlier audio adventure, The Butcher of Brisbane), Nicholas Goh plays Li H’Sen Chang and the villainous ventriloquist’s doll, Mr Sin, and Casey the Irishman is played by John Paul Connolly.
Producer David Richardson told Big Finish:
“Working in the wonderful world of The Talons of Weng-Chiang is not unusual for me having produced so many spin-off audio adventures for Jago and Litefoot. Here we are back at the Palace Theatre, in those last days before Jago met Litefoot, when the maniac Magnus Greel is skulking below in his secret laboratory, and his servant Li H’Sen Chang is performing on stage and doing his master’s bidding.
“We’ve worked hard to authentically recreate the story – think of this as episode zero of The Talons of Weng-Chiang; our guest cast all watched the original before coming to the studio. Needless to say Angus Wright, Nicholas Goh and John Paul Connolly make a fantastic Greel, Chang and Casey!”
Speaking about stepping into some of the most famous Doctor Who stories Alex Kingston said:
“I’m loving the idea of going back and utilising stories already aired… it’s a real writers’ time travel! It’s lovely to stay holding onto these series from the past, bringing back these characters and giving them life again. There’s endless opportunities! Let’s just not go to the giant maggots…
“Christopher Benjamin is just delightful and extraordinary… he has a fabulous voice, and he is very funny!”
You can pre-order series six and series seven of The Diary of River Song for release in August 2019 and January 2020, priced at £25 on CD or £20 on download respectively from Big Finish.

Andrew Reynolds

Coming Soon: Big Finish's The Diary of River Song Series 6 and 7

by Andrew Reynolds time to read: 2 min