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Big Finish's Lost Stories Return with Two New Releases

Big Finish’s Lost Stories range is back with two special releases starring the Fifth Doctor Sixth Doctors, played respectively by Peter Davison and Colin Baker!

The Lost Stories are stories that never made it past pre-production on TV; the pair of upcoming titles were abandoned in the 1980s, but are revived by Wally K Daly and Stephen Gallagher.

The Ultimate Evil by Daly and Nightmare Country by Gallagher will be available from this November. In the former, the Sixth Doctor is joined once more by Peri Brown (Nicola Bryant); while the latter reunites the Fifth Doctor with Tegan Jovanka (Janet Fielding) and Turlough (Mark Strickson).

The Ultimate Evil by Wally K Daly

The Doctor and Peri’s holiday plans go awry when they cross paths with the slimy super-salesman Mordant and his scheme to start a war.

Nightmare Country by Stephen Gallagher

The Doctor wakes up on a planet of relics, a dead world, a hostile world… He has no memory of who he is, or how he got to be here.

He’d better remember soon, because the very structure of reality is at risk and it all has something to do with that strange blue tomb with the light on top.

Check out those gorgeous covers too!

Wally K Daly says:

“I wrote The Ultimate Evil for TV in 1984 but sadly it was never made because Michael Grade decided to take Doctor Who off the air. I adapted it as a novel some years later, but am delighted to bring it back now as an audio play. It’s proof that it’s impossible to kill Doctor Who!”

And Stephen Gallagher recalls:

“Nightmare Country was my detailed pitch for Season 21 and would have been my third story for the show, but for a terse note from the production office that read, ‘You’ve sent us another million-dollar movie and we just can’t do them’. Some ideas you can recycle, some parts you can reuse; but where do you find another show like Who? So my million dollar movie went into the files and I moved on, until the day my and the Doctor’s paths crossed again. Sometimes, it seems, you just have to stay ready and keep the faith.”

David Richardson, producer of The Lost Stories, adds:

“Can it really be 10 years since The Lost Stories range began? It was one of my first commissions as a producer at Big Finish as I’d proposed to Nicholas Briggs and Jason Haigh-Ellery the idea of bringing these missing treasures from Doctor Who’s history to audio. The original intention was to make all of the episodes that would have been Season 23, and although The Nightmare Fair and Mission to Magnus were adapted and released on audio, at the time we were unable to secure The Ultimate Evil.

“Wind forward to 2019 and we now have Wally adapting his own script of The Ultimate Evil, which will be released alongside Stephen Gallagher’s Nightmare Country. The latter was brought to me by Guy Adams who has script edited Stephen’s adaptation, and it’s a wonderful piece of Season 21 mind-blowing fantasy. How brilliant to be able to launch them both in the range’s tenth anniversary year!”

Out for release this November, these two Lost Stories are available for pre-order now at £14.99 on CD or £12.99 on download each, or together in a bundle priced at £28 on CD or £25 on download.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Big Finish's Lost Stories Return with Two New Releases

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min