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Big Finish Audios to Look Forward to in 2019 (October- December)

Big Finish celebrates 20 years of producing Doctor Who audio adventures – but what have you got to look forward to after the anniversary special, The Legacy of Time is released this month?

We’ve already picked a few exciting tales from July, August, and September; now, we turn to October, November, and December 2019, to find the releases that’ll be topping your Christmas lists.

October 2019

Ravenous 4

The past, the present, and the future conspire against the Doctor as he fights to defeat the only creature ever to strike fear into the hearts of a Time Lord.

4.1 Whisper by Matt Fitton

4.2 Planet of Dust by Matt Fitton

4.3 and 4.4 Day of the Master by John Dorney

Bernice Summerfield: The Squire’s Crystal

Legend tells of an evil sorceress who used the power of magical crystals to transfer her mind into the bodies of others. Her reign of terror was long and bloody, and her final defeat the cause of great rejoicing. But that’s just a legend. A story told to children. Isn’t it? I mean, it’s ridiculous. It couldn’t have really happened… could it?

Finding the last resting place of the Crystal Sorceress is an archaeological dream on a par with discovering the Holy Grail. So it’s hardly likely that someone will just offer the solution to Professor Bernice Summerfield on a plate. But sometimes the unlikely actually happens.

And one thing that’s very, very unlikely is that Benny will suddenly find herself to be a member of the opposite gender…

(Originally published in April 2001)

Torchwood: Smashed

Glynteg was never much of a place. Since the refinery’s shut down there’s been nothing much going on – no jobs, no money, more pubs than buses. One of those sad Welsh towns where’s there’s little to do but drink. Then the frakking company came and there was a brief spark of hope – maybe there’d be some jobs, at least. But that fizzled out. Instead the people started falling ill. Gwen Cooper’s come to Glynteg to find out what’s happening. Something ancient has woken up beneath the ground and will do whatever it can to protect itself. The Hunters have been unleashed. And there’s only one way to stay safe.

November 2019

Nightmare Country

The Doctor wakes up on a planet of relics, a dead world, a hostile world… He has no memory of who he is, or how he got to be here. He’d better remember soon, because the very structure of reality is at risk and it all has something to do with that strange blue tomb with the light on top.

The Ultimate Evil

With the TARDIS working perfectly, the Doctor and Peri decide to take a holiday. But where? A long-forgotten piece of equipment in the TARDIS storage locker sends them to the peaceful and idyllic continent of Tranquela – home of the Doctor’s old friend Ravlos.

But the land where they emerge is far from peaceful. A hate ray is regularly sweeping Tranquela, turning its inhabitants into savage beasts, and there is only one place it can originate – the planet’s other continent, home of Tranquela’s old enemies, the Amelierans.

Or is that the only place? Because somewhere far above the planet events are watched by the slimy super-salesman, Mordant, who has his own unscrupulous plans.

The Home Guard

It’s the middle of the Second World War and Ben Jackson has returned to visit his married friends Polly and Jamie in their quiet English village. But they can’t quite shake the feeling that something’s not right…

Daughter of the Gods

When Zoe reattaches an old piece of equipment to the TARDIS console, she, Jamie and the Doctor are very lucky to avoid a collision. But the place they find themselves in may be even more dangerous – because there they encounter another Doctor, a space pilot named Steven… and a young woman called Katarina who really shouldn’t be there…

December 2019

The War Master: Anti-Genesis

A brand-new four-part adventure featuring the Master’s exploits in the Time War.

4.1 From the Flames by Nicholas Briggs

4.2 The Master’s Dalek Plan by Alan Barnes

4.3 Shockwave by Alan Barnes

4.4 He Who Wins by Nicholas Briggs

In a Time War, there is a crime that not even the Daleks would dare consider. But the Master has more than considered – and he is ready to commit…

The Robots: Volume 1

During the events of Doctor Who – Ravenous 2, Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again.

But Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate – the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously.

Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history?

1.1 The Robots of Life by Roland Moore

Settling into life back on Kaldor, Liv investigates a medical centre where the patients are dying.

1.2 The Sentient by Robert Whitelock

Vissey is a young child – the sort of perfect young girl any parents would want to adopt. She is also artificial, and she sees the world in a very different way to humans.

1.3 Love Me Not by John Dorney

A widower goes to extreme lengths to keep the memories of his dead wife alive.

And that’s only the stuff previously announced. We’re sure Big Finish has plenty more in store before we move into 2020. So what’s on your wishlist, DWC readers?

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Big Finish Audios to Look Forward to in 2019 (October- December)

by Philip Bates time to read: 4 min