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Out Now: Big Finish's Emissary of the Daleks

The Daleks are back in the latest audio adventure from Big Finish – but do the Sixth Doctor and Peri dare stand up to their force after a successful invasion? And why are the Daleks using someone else as an emissary?

Here’s the synopsis for Emissary of the Daleks

On the planet Omnia, a young man leads the Doctor and Peri through the battle-scarred ruins of a city. Among the rubble he shows them proof that their invaders and new masters, thought to be invincible, can be defeated. The proof is the blasted, burnt-out remains of a Dalek. 

But this is a Dalek-occupied world like few others. For one thing, there are few Daleks to be seen. And for another, the Daleks have appointed an Omnian, Magister Carmen Rega, to govern the planet as their emissary. 

Why are the Daleks not present in force? And can the Doctor and Peri risk helping the Omnians, when the least show of resistance will be met with devastating reprisals from space? 

Writer, Andrew Smith says:

“I was delighted when producer, John Ainsworth, asked me to write a Dalek story for Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant for The Monthly Adventures range. It seemed like a natural successor to my last Monthly Adventures script, Hour of the Cybermen, which had Ol’ Sixie pitched against his other arch enemies from way back.   

“So I envisaged a world taken over by the Daleks with one of these emissaries in charge. An emissary with the principle objective of ensuring there’s no dissent. Because if there is, the Dalek reprisal will be terrible. And what would the Doctor and Peri do, coming into this setup? Would the Doctor want – or be able – to quell his usual instinct to foment rebellion and overturn Dalek rule?” 

Doctor Who: Emissary of the Daleks is out now at £14.99 on CD or £12.99 on download. CD purchases unlock a download option via the Big Finish app and the Big Finish website.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Out Now: Big Finish's Emissary of the Daleks

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min