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Launching Tonight: The Unsung Heroes of Doctor Who Series from Fantom Events

A series of videos to celebrate the “unsung heroes” of Doctor Who launches tonight (20th May 2020), presented by Fantom Events’ Alex Moore.

This lockdown project tells the behind-the-scenes stories of production crew whose perspective we rarely hear about. It launches at 8pm (BST) with four episodes available as a livestream.

Alex Moore says:

“It is wonderful to speak to so many people about the making of Doctor Who and their wider careers. We can bring new perspectives from different voices.”

The first four will feature:

  • Lee Sheward (stunt co-ordinator on Doctor Who and Torchwood)
  • Shaunna Harrison (who provided the make-up for Terror of the VervoidsThe Ultimate Foe, and Paradise Towers)
  • Philip Brown (who played the Seventh Doctor double in The Day of the Doctor)
  • Gareth Milne (George Cranleigh in Black Orchid and stunt double for Michael Cochrane and Peter Davison. Other credits include Warriors of the DeepThe Caves of Androzani, and Vengeance on Varos).

Subsequent episodes will go live weeknights at 6pm from 25th May and will occasionally feature as part of Fantom’s regular virtual conventions, Time Space Visualiser.

The series further highlights:

  • Nick Joseph (Supporting Artist on The Creature from the PitThe Leisure HiveBlack OrchidTerminus, and The Mark of the Rani)
  • Ralph Wilton (Production Assistant for Shada and Production Manager on Arc of Infinity)
  • Jim Dowdall (Stunt Performer on Day of the DaleksThe Sea DevilsThe Time MonsterGenesis of the Daleks, and Frontios)
  • Rocky Taylor (Stunt Performer on The Idiot’s Lantern. He also has uncredited roles in The Daleks’ Master Plan and The Curse of Peladon)
  • Alan Spalding (Designer for Revelation of the Daleks)
  • Damon Jeffery (who played a Russian officer in The Curse of Fenric and a Cheetah person in Survival, plus a double for Karra)
  • Matthew Savage (Design assistant for Series 1 and 2 of Doctor Who. He was also an associate designer and assistant art director for Series 1 of Torchwood)
  • Mickey Lewis (Dalek Operator in Asylum of the Daleks and Into the Dalek, an alien in The Rings of Akhaten, the Third Doctor’s body double in The Day of the Doctor, and a Cyberman in The Doctor FallsAscension of the Cybermen, and The Timeless Children)

The interviews will be available for free at the Fantom Events website, where you can find all of their online Time Space Visualiser events too.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Launching Tonight: The Unsung Heroes of Doctor Who Series from Fantom Events

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min