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Download Gerry Anderson’s Terrahawks: No Second Chances for Free

For one week only, you can download an episode of Big Finish’s revival of Terrahawks for free. The audio series is based on the original show from Gerry Anderson.

In the futuristic year 2020, Zelda – evil queen of the planet Guk – has destroyed NASA’s Mars base and Earth is under threat. Zelda intends to use Mars as a stepping stone to conquer the Earth, and enslave the human race. A small organisation, the Terrahawks, is set up to defend the planet. From Hawknest, their secret base in South America, they develop sophisticated weapons to prepare for the battles to come…

You can listen to Terrahawks – No Second Chances by Jamie Anderson, which features an all-star cast reprising their original television roles, including Denise Bryer (Zelda), Robbie Stevens (Space Sergeant 101), and Jeremy Hitchen (Doctor “Tiger” Ninestein).

Here’s the synopsis:

Zelda has pulled off the ultimate heist, and now her victory seems inevitable. To stop her, and against all the odds, at least one of the Terrahawks will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Writer and producer, Jamie Anderson said:

“The great thing about Terrahawks on television was the characters and the comedy, that give it a unique identity, and we’ve been able to develop and explore that for the audios. 

“Nick Briggs and Big Finish have given me the autonomy to do what I wanted, and have stories that do feel like they are the next few episodes that would have followed on from the original television series. I hope I have come up with a plan that is worthy of Zelda herself!” 

For a limited time only, Big Finish listeners can also get up to up to 66% off volumes 1-3 of the Terrahawks series on collector’s edition CD, or download, at the Weekly Deals page. Plus, the complete Terrahawks series is available at £27.00 either as a collector’s edition CD box set or download, when all three volumes are bought together as a bundle.

All the above offers end at 23:59 (UK time) on 25th October 2020.

Other free episodes to download from the world of Gerry Anderson include: Deadly Departed, Rentahawks, Vile & Zelda’s Night Before Christmas – all available from Big Finish For Free.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Download Gerry Anderson’s Terrahawks: No Second Chances for Free

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min