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Raising Funds for the NHS: Listen to this Amazing Doctor Who Video With 50 Stars!

A huge number of Doctor Who stars, plus high-profile members of fandom, have worked on Time and Doctors, an unofficial “storybook” audio story raising money for the NHS.

The video is free to enjoy, but highlights the importance of all who go by the title “doctor”.

But its creator, Jamie Cowan has set up a JustGiving page to raise funds for the NHS Charities Together during this difficult time.

Time and Doctors has been recorded during lockdown and features contributions from Doctors and companions – Colin Baker, Katy Manning, Mark Strickson, Catherine Tate, Arthur Darvill, to name but a few – as well as familiar names from Big Finish, the wider fandom, and Class.

Here’s the full list of contributors: Colin Baker, David Bradley, Carole Ann Ford, William Russell, Jemma Powell, Maureen O’Brien, Peter Purves, Ajjaz Awad, Elliot Chapman, Chris Walker-Thomson, Wendy Padbury, Marshall Tankersley, Katy Manning, Daisy Ashford, Jon Culshaw, Siobhan Gallichan, Bart Suavek, Ian Sears, Joanna McGibbon, Sophie Iles, Josh Snares, Mark Strickson, Nicola Bryant, Bonnie Langford, Wink Taylor, Sophie Aldred, Lisa Bowerman, Matthew Toffolo, Yee Jee Tso, Iain Cameron, Athena Stamos, Ben Tedds, Ryan Aplin, Pete Walsh, Elliott Crossley, Catherine Tate, Jonathon Carley, Jacqueline King, Robert Moloney, Harry Draper, Arthur Darvill, Alex Kingston, Joivan Wade, Jessica Martin, Greg Austin, Sophie Hopkins, Jordan Renzo, Fady Elsayed, Ellie Chapman, and Seylan Baxter.

Impressive, eh?

Here’s the video, and don’t forget to donate if you can:

Cowan writes:

“The NHS is not only integral to so many, it has played some part in my own personal life (not least ensuring my own stability when I was born premature) and my mother works as an operating dept. practitioner, so I know all too well the difficulties of their work. Now, more so than ever – as we find ourselves continuing through this unusual and hard time – they need our help. And I hope this story can both help raise money for them, and give Whovian listeners a nice boost of hope.”

Head over to JustGiving to help the NHS.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, The Silver Archive: The Stone Tape, and 100 Objects of Doctor Who.

Raising Funds for the NHS: Listen to this Amazing Doctor Who Video With 50 Stars!

by Philip Bates time to read: 1 min
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