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‘Ere Mate, Wanna Buy A Dalek? TV Prop Dalek for Sale at Out of the Ordinary Auction

Have you ever dreamt of getting a Dalek? A real, screen-used prop, not one that takes hours and hours of DIY?

You’ve now got that chance: one goes for auction at the online Out of the Ordinary sale, set to take place on 13th- 14th April, held by Cambridge Road Auctions.

As well as the Dalek, there will be over 600 other weird, wonderful, and wacky items, including a life size ‘unicorn’ and the UK’s only surviving Flea Circus.

The life size Dalek will be the centre piece of the entire auction. Predicted to reach anywhere between £15,000 and £18,000, the Dalek, sporting the distinctive black paintwork made famous by Dalek Sec in Doomsday and Daleks in Manhattan, has been built to the modern series specifications, standing at 5ft 3″. It’s made out of fibreglass, metal, and plastic.

But that isn’t the only cool thing about this Dalek: it has been featured in the series itself, first appearing in Matt Smith’s Asylum of the Daleks and then in the Peter Capaldi two-parter, The Magician’s Apprentice and The Witch’s Familiar.

And if that weren’t enough, it has also recently been fitted with a motor so you can ride it around, exterminating all your enemies if you are so inclined!

As the Daleks are nearly reaching their 60th anniversary, and you have anywhere around £18,000 to spare, then this might be the perfect opportunity for you to own your very own piece of Doctor Who history!

Jordan Shortman

‘Ere Mate, Wanna Buy A Dalek? TV Prop Dalek for Sale at Out of the Ordinary Auction

by Jordan Shortman time to read: 1 min
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