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Details Revealed for Big Finish’s Doctor Who: Dalek Universe Volume 2

Still reeling from the events of Dalek Universe 1? Big Finish isn’t taking its foot off the peddle and has released details about the second set, Dalek Universe 2, out in July 2021.

Dalek Universe 2 features a trio of tales include the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), Anya Kingdom (Jane Slavin), and Mark Seven (Joe Sims) as they dig deeper into family histories, aboard the strangest of space stations, and to a truth that might tear them apart… 

This box set also guest stars Blake Ritson (Upstairs Downstairs, Adam Adamant Lives!) as the mysterious Major McLinn, a military commander on a Space Security Service outpost, who is harbouring a dark secret.  

Dalek Universe 2 includes:  

Cycle of Destruction by Roy Gill 

After Mark starts behaving oddly, the Doctor and Anya find themselves on a strange planet with their friend missing. Searching for him they find their way to an isolated research base. The corridors show signs of animal incursions and the scientists are behaving strangely. But a big surprise is waiting for them. 

Because this is where Mark Seven came from. They’re about to find out who he is. But is that information too dangerous to know? 

The Trojan Dalek by John Dorney 

The Doctor, Mark and Anya head for an SSS space-station searching for the missing temporal scientist, Arborecc. But the officer in charge denies all knowledge of his presence and demands their departure. 

Unwilling to leave so easily, the group split up to investigate… and uncover a heinous plot involving the Doctor’s oldest foes. 

Or do they? 

The Lost by Rob Valentine 

When the Doctor’s latest scheme to get back to the future fails, the team’s ship crashes on a strange world, potentially trapping them for ever. 

Searching for replacement parts, they find their way to a building where heart-breakingly familiar faces await them. 

Lies are about to be exposed. Everyone will learn the truth. And nothing will be the same again. 

Of the Tenth Doctor, David Tennant said:

“He’s so full of energy, and hope and kindness – and we’re so in need of kindness, all the time. It’s always lovely to return to the Doctor, and imagine that there’s some beacon of hope, in all his alienness, for humanity out there. It never ceases to give me great joy – it’s a real pleasure, always.” 

Each of the three volumes in Dalek Universe is released as a four-disc collector’s edition box set or download containing three brand-new full cast audio adventures, plus a selection of behind-the-scenes extras. They’re also available on vinyl — those editions do not include any behind-the-scenes extras. However, listeners purchasing vinyl LP editions will receive a download of the story automatically and be given access to the CD edits as a bonus download. Episodes are edited specifically for the vinyl format, presented as two parts, one on each side, each with opening and closing music. In addition, all pre-orders of the vinyls will also receive the behind the extras as a bonus download.

You can now pre-order all three volumes of Dalek Universe, which are available in three formats, from just £19.99. You can save by pre-ordering a bundle of the entire series for just £66 (as a collector’s edition box set) or £58 (as a download).   

The Dalek Universe triple LP vinyls are strictly limited to a pressing of 1,000 per volume, and can be pre-ordered at £35.99 each, or £99 for the bundle of all three albums, again exclusively from Big Finish.

Philip Bates

Editor and co-founder of the Doctor Who Companion. When he’s not watching television, reading books ‘n’ Marvel comics, listening to The Killers, and obsessing over script ideas, Philip Bates pretends to be a freelance writer. He enjoys collecting everything. Writer of The Black Archive: The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang, 100 Objects of Doctor Who, and Companions: More Than Sixty Years of Doctor Who Assistants.

Details Revealed for Big Finish’s Doctor Who: Dalek Universe Volume 2

by Philip Bates time to read: 2 min